Small Animals

At Moorgate Veterinary Group we pride ourselves on being a compassionate practice that offers the best care and attention to all animals large and small. We offer a comprehensive range of services for you and your pet.

If possible we recommend that patients are brought into the surgery where we can offer more extensive facilities. We are aware that this is not always possible and we are able to carry out home visits, for an extra charge. We ask that for same day, routine visits you contact the surgery before 10am. In the event of an emergency we will make our best efforts to be with you as soon as possible.


Preventative Care

Worms, Fleas & Ticks

All pets should be wormed and treated to prevent worms, fleas and ticks regularly as they can be a health risk to other animals and humans. Practice staff will be able to advise you as to the best care regime for your pet.

Please note that the products available from the practice are prescription medicines and are not available through pet shops or supermarkets. This means that a vet will need to have seen your pet within the last six months to be prescribed such treatment. We offer a free check-up for new clients to allow them to purchase these products.


Moorgate Veterinary Group believes in regular vaccination of your pet. Routine vaccinations are available for cats, dogs and rabbits. After the initial course you will receive a booster reminder through the post when your pet is due each year. All animals are given a thorough health check and this is an ideal time to discuss any problems or worries you may have.



There are many benefits to having your pet neutered. Some of these benefits include:

  • Prevention of unwanted pregnancies
  • Reduce the risk of various health problems associated with unneutered pets
  • To help stop behaviour problems, frustration & aggression
  • Prevention of straying


We recommend both male and female cats are neutered from 5 months of age, though it may be performed slightly earlier if needed.


Whilst male and female dogs can be neutered from 6 months old, please contact us for advice and further information. 


Rabbits can be neutered from 3-4 months of age. Ovarian cancer is known to be very common in older female rabbits and as spaying involves removal of both ovaries as well as the uterus this will be prevented.


If ferrets are kept and not used for breeding then there are risks of adrenal tumours and other diseases. We recommend either keeping a vasectomised male or discussing sterilisation of females with a vet as there are several options.

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs can be neutered from around 5 months of age, and it is usually the males that are neutered. Breeding guinea pigs should be done with caution. Female guinea pigs pelvis's fuse around 9months of age making it difficult for them to give birth, therefore if you are considering breeding your guinea pigs, their age should be taken into account. 

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Bunny rabbit at Alligator Bay, Beauvoir, France

Physiotherapy - Tanya Sprunks MPA, BSc(Hons), PgDip

Tanya provides individually combined maintenance, fitness and rehabilitation treatment options for your pets. Tanya has completed a BSc (Hons) in Veterinary Physiotherapy allowing her to combine up to date scientific knowledge and clinical expertise.


Treatment combines a variety of therapeutic techniques and range of specialist equipment designed specifically with your pet in mind. 

  • Pain relief
  • Trigger point release
  • Myofascial release
  • Massage
  • Joint mobilisations
  • Strength training
  • Exercise prescription
  • Performance enhancement
  • Pre and post operative rehabilitation
  • Class 3b laser
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy (PEMF)
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
  • Neuro-Muscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
All treatments are given with great care and gentleness.
For further information on referral for these treatments, please contact the surgery as normal or you can visit Tanya's website on

Ophthalmology - Dr Michael Sercombe BSc(Hons) BVSc MBA CertVOphthal MRCVS


With over 25 years’ experience as a veterinary surgeon, the last 10 of which have been as a full-time veterinary ophthalmologist, my work has taken me across the world, to New Zealand and back again.

I am a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and the British Association of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.

I now offer a dedicated second opinion referral service on all medical and surgical ophthalmic cases affecting domestic species, either within a partner practice near Exeter, in Taunton, or from any other practice in the South West by arrangement.

For further information on referral for these treatments, please contact the surgery as normal or you can visit Michael's website on

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Prescriptions are available from Moorgate Veterinary Group. You may obtain Prescription Only Medicines, Category V (POM Vs) from your veterinary surgeon or ask for a written prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or a pharmacy. Our veterinary surgeons may prescribe POM Vs only for animals under their care. A written prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient or immediate treatment is necessary. You will be informed, on request, of the price of any medicine that may be prescribed for your animal.

The general policy of this practice is to re-assess companion animals requiring repeat prescriptions every 6 months, but this may vary with individual circumstances. A charge is made for this service. A written prescription fee is payable, this covers the time it takes to consider dosage, interactions, best preparation to use, record keeping etc.

We ask for 48 hours’ notice for repeat prescriptions to be prepared. This allows the vets to individually check each prescription. Not all medications are kept in stock but are available on next working day delivery.

If you wish to collect a repeat prescription from Christow, we ask for 48 hours’ notice. Once the prescription is ready for collection, a member of our team will contact you for payment and arrange collection from our lock box at the Christow surgery.


Pet Travel and Exports

Moorgate Veterinary Group is registered with APHA and six of our vets are Official Veterinarians (OVs) that can issue the appropriate documentation for pets to travel overseas. Since Brexit, the document required to take your pet on holiday is an Animal Health Certificate (AHC) and needs to be issued within a certain timeframe before travel. If you are thinking about taking your pet abroad, please contact our Bovey Tracey surgery and ask to speak to our Office Administrator Sophie Hickson who deals with all our pet travel and export work for the practice. Sophie can advise you of the certain travel requirements for your pet and can make a booking for you to receive an AHC from us. As well as pet travel, we also deal with local businesses that export animal based products internationally to Europe and Asia. 

Nurse Clinic

As fully qualified and experienced Veterinary Nurses they are able to offer a number of clinics to advise pet owners on the following areas of preventative healthcare:

  • Pre neutering health checks: to help you choose the right time to neuter and discuss aspects of the procedure.
  • Post operative checks: after surgery such as neutering and lump removals we need to see our patients back for an assessment to check that the wound is okay, that your pet has coped well with the surgery and for any sutures to re removed.
  • Post neutering health checks: helping to monitor weight and health post neutering.
  • Weight & dietary advice: for any patients who may have trouble controlling their weight. Dietary advice and regular monitoring is available.
  • Maintaining healthy teeth and gums: available as a routine check or post dental treatment. Kathy can advise on all aspects of dental hygiene.
  • Behaviour clinics: basic advice available on many issues.
  • Senior wellness clinics: advice is available on all age related matters.
  • Puppy & kitten clinics: to help you with the first few months of your new pet.
  • Diabetes clinics: ongoing monitoring in this disease is essential and Kathy is here to help.

The following services are also available to pet owners:

  • Microchipping
  • Administration of medicines (including flea & worm treatment)
  • Nail clipping
  • Re-bandaging
  • Tick removal (no charge)


We recommend your pet should be implanted with a microchip. Microchipping provides a permanent and unique identification for your pet, which is registered on a central database along with your details.

Should your pet go missing, when found, the microchip can be read using a special hand held scanner. Veterinary practices, the police and animal welfare organisations routinely scan strays, hopefully ensuring that if the unthinkable happens, you can be speedily reunited.

A microchip is the size of a grain of rice that has a unique 15 digit code. The microchip is implanted under the skin of an animal (between the shoulder blades in the case of cats and dogs) and your contact details are recorded onto the Petlog database, which is run by the Kennel Club. If your details change you must contact Petlog (01296 336579) and change your details as soon as you can.

In line with Wales and Northern Ireland from April 2016 every dog in England and Scotland must be microchipped.
